What is this? Well, you’d better know.
As per the Mayo Clinic, tonsil stones are hard white or yellow formations that occur on the tonsils. They’re neither painful nor harmful, and can usually be treated with home remedies.The main causes of tonsil stones are trapped materials and debris in the tonsillar crypts, located in the – yep, you guessed it – tonsils, those oval-shaped, infection-fighting flaps of tissue located at the back of your throat. This can include minerals, such as calcium, food or debris, or even bacteria and fungi.Now, tonsil stones are more common than one might think, though they don’t always cause symptoms. When they do, said symptoms can include bad breath, a cough, earache, and a sore throat, amongst others.
According to reports, 3 million Americans a year suffer from tonsil stones, but fortunately removing them is a rather easy and simple affair. In fact, a variety of home methods including gargling with salt water and using a delicate object – like a cotton swab – can be used to dislodge them.Not only that, but simply having a strong cough can actually loosen the stones and bring them up.In the video below (which has a whole lot of views) we can watch someone in the process of removing a tonsil stone. Warning! It’s pretty graphic!Did you know tonsil stones existed? Have you ever experienced one before? Let us know in the comments.Meanwhile, if you thought this article was interesting, check out the one below for more compelling content.