A local cafe closes due to noise and bacon smell complaints, leaving eight workers jobless. The community was outraged.

In an unexpected turn of events, Emma Ayles, owner of a local cafe called The Caddy Shack Cafe, has been forced to close her business, leaving eight employees without jobs just before Christmas. The closure came after three residents complained about the cafe’s bacon aroma and clinking teacups.

Local Cafe

The complaints led to quick action from planning officials, who ruled that the cafe was causing “unacceptable harm” to the nearby residents’ quality of life. This decision was made despite the cafe’s popularity and its role in the community.

Local Cafe


Emma Ayles, a 47-year-old mother of two, opened The Caddy Shack Cafe in April 2022, converting a metal shipping container into a cozy establishment with help from the Weymouth and Portland Rugby Club. The club provided temporary land use while Emma awaited permanent planning approval.

The local cafe quickly gained a reputation as a community hub, frequented by walkers, schoolchildren, and mobility scooter users. It was a cherished gathering spot, fostering local connections. However, in October 2022, three nearby homeowners lodged complaints about the noise and smell, leading Dorset Council to deny Emma’s application for retrospective planning permission in February. Her subsequent appeal was also rejected, leaving her with no viable options.


Emma expressed her deep disappointment over the closure of the local cafe, highlighting the impact on her eight staff members, who were either parents or students. She found the complaints about the bacon smell and teacup noise to be exaggerated and humorously suggested using chocolate teacups to avoid the noise.


Concerned about her regular patrons, including local students and disabled individuals, Emma mourned the loss of a key community space. The Weymouth and Portland Rugby Club, which supported Emma’s appeal, voiced their dismay. Chairman Anthony Goss highlighted the difficulties faced by small businesses and thanked the community for their support.

Local Cafe


The closure of the local cafe has sparked widespread outrage on social media, with many expressing disbelief at the complaints and the decision to shut down the cafe. The situation has raised questions about balancing resident concerns with support for local businesses, leaving uncertainty about whether any further actions will be taken or if the decision might be revisited.

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