Genevieve was never able to rear children, unlike some people. When she became pregnant in 1949 at the age of just 18, she was informed that her unborn child had died. Genevieve never had another child.

They told me she had passed away, Genevieve relates. She was rather astonished when a woman reached out and claimed to be her long-lost daughter because she thought she was completely alone in the world.

The reunion is shown in this video as “a hug to make up for lost time.” Overwhelmed, the two held each other for a time. After all, this is their first time actually speaking to one another.

Since she was five years old, the daughter, Connie, says she has wanted to meet her birth mother but has never had the opportunity. She most recently purchased a DNA test from

She found a long-lost relative through the search results, who gave her birth mother’s name. Connie knew she had to meet her birth mother as soon as she learned she was still alive.

Despite the fact that this reunion is 69 years overdue, the overall tale is one of happiness. Once Connie reached out, Genevieve discovered she wasn’t as alone as she had feared. We’re certain they’ll have plenty of adventures to catch up on and memories to create going forward with her daughter, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren in her life!

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