A little more than a week before Christmas in the year 2022, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson uploaded a video on Instagram showing him being given a makeover by his two young kids. The recording of the actor was made while he was seated in a chair and his children applied cosmetics on his face.

It seemed as if he was wearing a wig of Harley Quinn, complete with pigtails and a glistening crown.

Tiana, Jasmine’s younger sister, was seen helping out by encouraging Dwayne about his new appearance while Jasmine was seen putting pink cosmetics on her father’s cheeks. Tiana remarked to her father at one time that he was “very lovely,” and it appeared to her that he was also wearing lipstick.

The celebrity offered an explanation for how he had put himself into that predicament, saying: “When I got back with my tornadoes at 8 in the morning, they insisted on giving Dwanta Claus a facelift before Christmas.”

The actor decided to celebrate Christmas Eve by dressing up as Santa Claus, or Dwanta Claus, as he preferred to refer to himself.


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