Having a loved one with dementia is a painful and emotionally draining experience that affects the entire family.

People diagnosed with this condition often forget important people in their lives, cherished memories, and routine tasks.

The situation is heartbreaking, and at times, it even puts their safety at risk.


Meet Gigi, a 92-year-old woman living with advanced dementia.

Her cognitive abilities have declined significantly due to her condition.

Once sharp and vibrant, her thinking skills are no longer what they used to be, and even her precious memories are fading.

One day, in a moment that no family member could have anticipated, Gigi managed to leave her house unnoticed.

She wandered around her neighborhood in Franklin Park, New Jersey.

Tragically, she became lost—a situation that is especially dangerous for someone with dementia.

Being alone in public poses significant risks for Gigi.

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For Karen, this incident was a stark reminder of the challenges of living with not just one, but two family members with dementia—her grandmother Gigi and her father.

Because of this, Karen has invested in gadgets and systems that can help her in monitoring her home and loved ones, ensuring their safety as best as she can.

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