There are times when we may see something so touching that it just sticks with us for a very long time. I’m sure that’s how you’re going to feel after you see this young man doing something that was unexpected.

The young man had Down syndrome but he was ready to do something that made him proud. He was going to graduate from high school and he wanted to tell his mother about it.

The problem is, his mother had passed away so instead of just going to the graduation, he’d stop by the graveyard to give a bouquet of flowers to his mother and tell her about what he had done.

He said: “I graduated today. And I know you’d be so proud of me and happy. And I love you so much.”


After watching the video, many people have been moved to tears. There is something special about the innocence of this young man and how he wants nothing more than for his mother to be proud of him.

Many of us have found ourselves in a situation where we have someone we love and they are no longer with us. Even though it may not be as good as the real thing, it certainly was special to this young man and all of us.

By admin

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