One of the difficulties that many people face in life is when their children leave home. They go from having a busy life and a busy household to suddenly, being empty-nesters.

Pam and Gary Willis understand this all too well. When they had children who grew up and left their home in Menifee, California, they suddenly found themselves with an empty nest but it didn’t stay empty for long.

They knew that they wanted children in their lives but they didn’t have a desire to adopt. That is when they decided to be foster parents but it would turn out to be something much more in the end.

It all started in January 2019 when Pam was looking on Facebook and saw a story. In San Diego, there were seven siblings who lost both of their parents in a car crash. They knew they needed a home, but they didn’t want to be separated.

Pam and Gary knew what it was like to have a lot of children in the home because they have five children of their own.

Pam said: “I saw how much these kids needed someone to love them because they had no one else to go to. I called the adoption service every week to show them how much I wanted to help these children.”

In June, the children were brought into their home. They went from being empty-nesters to having seven children, Adelino, 15, Ruby, 13, Aleecia, 8, Anthony, 7, Aubriella, 6, Leo, 5, and Xander, 4, as part of their family.

It is difficult to fit into a home at times, but the seven children did very well from the start. Since that time, they have done a lot of things together, including going to Disneyland.

There are many memories they have accumulated in the few years they have been together but one of the memories that sticks out is when they became an official family.

It was more than just seven children at the adoption, all of the siblings were there to celebrate the day.


It’s not that there aren’t any challenges associated with raising that many children but these parents knew how to handle the situation.

Pam said: “We have never looked back since the day we met them and never doubted what we’re doing is the right thing to do. I have noticed how incredibly happy they are and that makes me so happy too, because that’s all we ask for. The oldest of the seven, Adelino, said to me recently, ‘Thank you for giving us this life,’ and there is no other feeling like that.”

It’s heartwarming to see such a beautiful family and we are so happy that all seven children were able to find a forever home in the same house.

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