Life can be difficult when you work in a fast-food restaurant. You have to deal with people that come in and complain about the food you are serving them and every once in a while, you may get a different type of complaint as well.

This happened to a Burger King staff member, Lala, and she went to her TikTok account to report it. She had a run-in with a customer who said that her uniform was attention-grabbing and it was distracting her spouse.

Lala went on to talk about the incident and to show the uniform she was wearing at the time. It happened when they were serving people and she got the criticism about her uniform and just wanted some reassurance from the TikTok community that she was in the right.

She used the text-to-speech voiceover to narrate the video and showed her outfit from the front and the back. It is compliant with the regulations at Burger King, because she was wearing black jeans and a hat, and she had a facemask on at the time because of the coronavirus.


She went on to talk about the frustrating situation and how the woman complained that her uniform was distracting to her husband. Expressing her irritation, she then went on to extend both middle fingers at the camera. We could’ve lived without that.

It wasn’t long before millions of people came on to watch and like the video. Many of them were also supportive of her, saying that it wasn’t her fault and that she wasn’t wearing anything inappropriate.

Life is always difficult and sometimes, you just need to take it on the chin. I would say that she’s taking it well, and she even posted a follow-up video for us to ‘enjoy’.

By admin

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