When it comes to Christmas, I think that the one thing that most of us think about is tradition. We do things every year, regardless of how many times we have done them and when we do them again, we just consider it to be nostalgic.

One of the things that we may often do when it comes to Christmas time is watch movies. There are a limited amount of Christmas movies available, but we will still sit and watch them every year and sometimes, we may even watch them multiple times per year.

One of the Christmas movies that we have come to appreciate over the years is Home Alone. The story about this young child who had to stand his ground against a couple of bad guys left us laughing every time.

It is been many years since the movies, Home Alone and Home Alone 2 have been out. If you had to count how many times you seen them, how many would you guess?

Imagine what it would be like if there was a Home Alone 3, and you had the opportunity to see it for yourself. It seems as if it would be a dream come true, but there’s a problem, the movie doesn’t exist.

That didn’t stop a YouTuber who is absolutely brilliant from creating a trailer of the made-up movie. It shows Kevin McAllister all grown up and he is no longer defending his house during the holiday season. He actually receives a Christmas card from the released Wet Bandits, say that they are back.

When he looks outside of his house and sees their plumbing and heating man sitting outside, you can’t help but get the chills. That is when the trailer continues that Kevin McAllister is back, except that his family is a little weird around Christmas.

You can see him reminiscing with his mother about the day he was left to keep the burglars at bay. You then see Harry and Marv released from prison, and there is likely to be a showdown.

We know that is nothing but a twist and a bigger wish than reality, but could you imagine if it was actually true? Watch the unique trailer for Kevin’s Revenge below:

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