During the filming of the 1965 film “The Slender Thread,” Poitier, already an established actor, met Shimkus, a relatively unknown actress at the time. Despite being married, Poitier was instantly captivated by Shimkus and said, “I saw this young lady, and she took my breath away.”

However, it took some time before Poitier acted on his feelings. It wasn’t until after filming had wrapped up that he asked Shimkus out on a date. Poitier admitted, “I had asked another young lady out, and she had said no. So I went to Joanna and said, ‘Would you like to go out with me?’ And she said, ‘Yes, I’d love to.’”

A Memorable First Date

Their first date was a magical experience. They spent hours talking at a restaurant on Sunset Boulevard, covering a wide range of topics. “We just had a wonderful time,” Poitier reminisced.

From that moment on, Poitier and Shimkus became inseparable. Although he was still married at the time, Poitier knew that he had found someone truly special. He expressed, “I knew that I was in love with her. I had never felt that way about anyone before.”

A Lifetime of Love

After Poitier’s divorce from his first wife, he and Shimkus finally tied the knot in 1976. Together, they have two daughters, Anika and Sydney.

Throughout their journey, Poitier and Shimkus have faced the challenges that come with any long-term relationship. But their love, respect, and unwavering commitment have kept them together. In his autobiography, “The Measure of a Man,” Poitier wrote, “Joanna has been my partner in every sense of the word. She is the mother of our children, the keeper of our home, the sounding board for my every thought and feeling. She has been my closest friend, my ally, my confidante, my lover.”

True Love Endures

Sidney Poitier and Joanna Shimkus continue to inspire with their enduring love story. Their journey serves as a reminder that true love can blossom in unexpected places and overcome any obstacle.

Sidney Poitier and Joanna Shimkus

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