The WWE legend openly discussed putting his health first after having 26 operations in ten years in the most recent “Gym and Fridge” video for “Men’s Health.”.

Hulk Hogan’s outlook has changed for the better ever since he officially retired in 2012.

The 69-year-old WWE legend spoke about giving up alcohol in the most recent Men’s Health “Gym & Fridge” video, remembering his earlier days of wrestling when he would consume “three Miller Lites and two Tylenol” before a match and “probably 12 Miller Lites” afterward.

It had been six months since his last alcoholic beverage, which he admitted to the source, “I don’t drink alcohol at all.”.

He explained, “I had a lot of crazy personal and business issues going on, so it got to be a way to numb me a little bit. And I discovered that I was consuming alcohol too recklessly following my workouts. I had to simply stop because of this.

Hogan only eats organic food these days and only drinks water. He admitted that when he was younger, he was not “educated in terms of quality of food,” so he is now learning what is best to keep him going.

He pledges to keep going to the gym and shedding pounds as he approaches his 70th birthday. Hogan claims that, after wrestling took a toll on his body, he has already lost 40 pounds and is still going.

“My body kind of gave out on me about 15 years ago. After having multiple knee operations and wrestling for almost 40 years, my body finally gave out on me, he claimed.

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