A man’s trip to the supermarket took a terrifying turn when he discovered a snake inside the bag of broccoli he bought from Aldi. Neville Linton, a 63-year-old from Stourbridge, England, had stored the bag of vegetables in his fridge before finding the unexpected guest when he unwrapped the broccoli.

The ordeal left him frightened and concerned about the safety of his household. He called his sister for help, who confirmed that it was indeed a snake.

Neville returned to the Aldi store where he made the purchase, and the staff was just as shocked as he was. The snake was safely placed in a tub and later transported to Dudley Zoo.

Initially believed to be a young ladder snake, herpetologist Dr. Steven J R Allain disagrees with this assessment. Based on his expertise, he identified the snake as a viperine water snake, a harmless species found in southwestern Europe and northern Africa.

While the incident was distressing for Neville, Dr. Allain emphasises the importance of understanding snakes and handling such situations positively. Viperine water snakes are not a threat to humans and are only dangerous to fish or frogs. Dr. Allain suggests that education and awareness about snakes can help alleviate fears and prevent unnecessary panic in similar circumstances.

Neville is seeking compensation for the distress caused by this incident, especially considering the risk it posed to his disabled son and mother-in-law. Although Aldi has offered compensation, Neville believes it is inadequate given the potential danger involved. The supermarket has apologized and assured that they are investigating the incident, stating that such issues are rare and not reflective of their usual high standards.

This shocking encounter sparked various reactions from people after the story was picked up by local news outlets. The incident serves as a reminder to remain vigilant and take precautions even when it comes to seemingly harmless vegetables from the supermarket.