People Open Up About Their Biggest Tales Of Revenge

Revenge is something that all of us desire but it is not something that all of us have within our reach. Sometimes, we just know that trying to get revenge has more problems than it is worth.

At the same time, we still have a desire to get even when others get the better of us. It’s human nature, which is why we are sharing these stories of revenge.

When you can’t do something yourself, you can always live vicariously through others. We are sharing these stories with you so you can live through them.

1. My Kids And I Had A Jumping Party Before Leaving

“About 3 years ago I lived on the second floor of a 3 story apartment. My kids were quite young. 3,2, and 1. They were no angels but they were good kids. The floors would creak just by them walking. My old downstairs neighbors understood and didn’t complain once.

Then the new neighbors moved in. They would knock on my door constantly with the slightest creak telling me to keep it down. One day they went too far.

My oldest is borderline autistic. She’s downright terrified of loud noises and has trouble coping some days.

But she was starting to get interested in music so I bought her a soundtrack cd from her favorite movie, Frozen.

She was having a good day. She was swaying back and forth to her favorite song and attempting to sing it. I was proud of her for coming out of her shell.

Then all of sudden someone hit on my door so loud it shook like someone was trying to break in. Then I heard my downstairs neighbor yell ‘shut the heck up already!!!’

My daughter screamed b****y murder and ran and hid under my bed sobbing uncontrollably.

I yelled I was calling the cops and ran after my baby.

When the cops showed up I was still trying to convince my daughter to come out from under the bed. I told them what happened but it turned into a case of ‘he said she said’.

So they left. When my landlord came to follow up on it she told me to keep it down even if I had to keep my kids on the couch all day.

That was the last straw. We moved 2 weeks later. But before we moved I constantly played the donut man on YouTube for my kids.

It had two songs in it that had jumping and stomping in the song. I would dance with my kids and jump or stomp extra hard with the songs.

Like I said I’m not proud of acting immature but I was annoyed.”

2. I’m Tired Of Having The Spotlight On Me

“Last year, there was a tenant in the house next door to me that left their attic light on CONSTANTLY! Their house, their rules, right? Well… there wouldn’t be a problem if there was a shade or something on the window, but they had a mega-watt bulb in there and it was shining DIRECTLY INTO MY WINDOW!!!!

The first time I mentioned it to them, the guy said ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about,’ so I pretty much followed him up the sidewalk and when he got to where he could see that side of my house, I told him to turn around and look up.

There was a ‘spotlight’ on my house!!!! I swear, I was able to take a shower at midnight without turning the bathroom light on! His response was ‘Oh,’ and walked into his house. The light was turned off 10 minutes later.

Two days later, the light was back on.

Three weeks after that, I left for vacation and when I came back, the light was STILL on!!! So, just this one time, it was on for 8 weeks non-stop! I pointed it out again. Nothing. The light stayed on.

I tried one more time after that, even suggested that if they didn’t want to turn the darn thing off, at least get a blind to cover the window.

Didn’t do a thing. I even wrote to his landlord. Nothing. So… I took action.

I have a very bright flashlight. I turned it on and positioned it in my window so that it was shining directly into their kitchen (that window had blinds, but they didn’t close them all the way).

My thought was to see how long it would take them to figure out how annoying having a light shining on them was, get the hint, and turn the attic light off.

Well, an hour after I turned that light on, there was a knock at my door.

It was the POLICE!!! These jerks called the police about a LIGHT!!

The conversation went something like this:

Me: Yes, officers, what’s up?

Cop 1: Do you know why we’re here?

Me: I don’t know. Could it be because I’m trying to be a good neighbor by helping the people next door light their kitchen?

Cop 2 (to cop 1): You were right!!!!

When they were walking towards my house, they noticed the huge spotlight on my house and figured that had something to do with it.

I told them that I couldn’t believe they had to come out for something that ridiculous and explained the entire situation… how I had that light shining on me for 2 years and finally had enough.

They then asked me if I would turn off my light if they talked to the neighbors and told them that they needed to either cover the window or keep the light off unless the room was in use. I agreed and immediately went to turn my light off.

About 15 minutes later, the neighbor was putting a giant piece of cardboard over the window. I couldn’t believe that they would rather live with cardboard covering the window rather than simply turning the light off!

The cops came back to me and asked if that was OK.

I said that was all that was needed. The neighbors claimed they didn’t know that the light was shining into my house! I had enough and told the cops that I had mentioned it to them several times.

So… the pettiest thing I ever did to get even with a neighbor was to assault them with light!”

3. Neighbor’s Dog’s Poop Came Back

“I was 13 years old. My family was in Army quarters at Tripler Army Medical Center in Honolulu.

We were up the hill in a six-plex. One of our neighbors was the French wife of a finance officer. They were nice enough, except that Madame had a poodle, creatively named Fifi, who she let out the door to do her business without supervision.

Fifi would come into our yard, take a big steaming dump, and then go home. We mentioned this several times, but our neighbor would just make a big Gallic shrug as if there were nothing at all she could do about it.

I was the oldest kid in my family, so cleaning poop up was generally my job.

Brilliant parenting by my parents-not much that I can’t do now no matter how yucky.

So the next time Fifi went p*****o in our yard, I was ready. I got a trowel, scooped up the turds, and placed them on the doorstep of Fifi’s home.

The turds were beautiful: brown outside, yellow inside, with a fluffy custard-like consistency. I was outside about an hour later when the neighbor lady came out of her door and slipped in Fifi’s finest. She got poop all over her shoes. And surprise! She was obviously going somewhere, because she was wearing a beautiful outfit, including a very fine pair of shoes.

She made a disgusted sound, and then, seeing me, said, ‘Oh! Did you see that?’

My shrug would have put Marcel Marceau to shame.

I also had neighbors who liked to throw a party now and then. No problem, I used to do that myself.

It’s easy. Don’t do it too often, turn the noise down around ten, and don’t do it when people have work or school in the morning. So I’m not hard to get along with. I often would let my neighbors know ahead of time when I was having a party (I think I only had two in 15 years that involved music or revelry) and that they were welcome to come by if they liked, and gave them my number if they needed us to quiet down.

That worked pretty well. Once in a long time, there would be music, dancing, and chatter in my yard, once in a while, one of the neighbors would do the same. Quieter after 10:00 PM.

But one time, some new neighbors had a loud, booze-fueled party.

The music went on until after midnight. People talked loudly. Do you know how there is always that one woman who shrieks at everything when she’s hammered? This party had three. At 2:00 AM the music came on really loud again for one song and people were loud and shouting and laughing.

Then it was just really loud talk.

You know what’s the worst thing to hear when you’ve been up late drinking and partying and are trying to sleep off a bad hangover? Your ill-rested neighbor mowing the lawn, then cleaning the pool while his best friend tries to play the accordion despite several of the chord buttons being stuck.

They were just lucky I didn’t know anybody who played the bagpipes.”

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