Mom Emily Massingill shared her story on Facebook of a hilarious mix-up that involved some Halloween-themed candy and her two kids. Now, when you think about it, what kid wouldn’t want some candy, right?
“Zombie Skittles” have a horrible taste inside
And to be frank, who does not love Skittles? But it seems like this one purchase of a specific Skittles flavor was not really a good idea because of its super weird taste.

Zombie Skittles are a special edition Skittles flavor that is usually released around Halloween
The Zombie Skittles apparently have some nasty flavors inside of the bag. They’re almost like Harry Potter-themed jelly beans.
Her post went viral overnight with people rushing to the comments section to react to the hilarious incident

Reviewers online have confirmed that these zombie Skittles taste as horrible as they sound.
That being said, some do enjoy playing this candy version of roulette:
“These were definitely horrible! Just like they are [supposed] to be…” said another review.
Emily dismissed her kids’ complaints when they said they didn’t like the flavor
“If you’re feeling like a bad mom today, don’t worry — I fed these skittles to my kids for a solid month not realizing there is one skittle in there that taste like rotting flesh or 54 dirty diapers in the garbage,” she revealed in a now-viral Facebook post.
She thought they were being picky
“They kept telling me they didn’t like the skittles, and I told them to either eat them or they wouldn’t get any more candy ever again if they’re gonna be ungrateful,” she wrote.
As it turns out, her kids were right and Emily was just making them eat Skittles that tasted like dirty diapers.
Everyone online could not stop laughing at how hilarious this situation actually was
In Emily’s defense, she always ate Skittles from the same packet but never once encountered the rotten flavor.
One mom assured Emily that it is not her fault and that kids also sometimes develop a dislike towards things they used to love.
The mom said that she “… didn’t blame [Emily] one bit…” for reacting the way she did, as, sometimes, kids go through phases where they refuse to eat their favorite things they used to love.
“Well, they’re Skittles so I thought the kids would like them. But there’s a random Zombie flavor in each bag, so my kids only ate one bag each. It’s some nasty flavor, not fruity. They didn’t want to risk it again. Won’t be getting this flavor again. But my kids love regular Skittles. Zombie flavor was a fail,” she said.
Well, let this story serve as a reminder for you and to always watch out for limited-edition candies!
One mom apparently was making her children some mac and cheese for dinner, only to realize that they were penis-shaped noodles. Talk about making a total mistake with your youngsters, right?