A man recently revealed how he had captured a perfect landscape photo. However, it contained a background detail that was pretty unlikely by any standards. According to the English news outlet, the Mirror, Gavin Best had been walking along with his friends on Cavehill on New Year’s Eve. That’s when he shot the uber impressive image in Belfast. Even though the photographer didn’t have his gear or wasn’t in the right frame of mind to take a picture, he still managed to capture a perfect image. It featured impressive lighting, framing, and composition. But it was not really until he was checking the picture again, that he realized that the background had some pretty impressive detail that he had missed previously.
When he had taken this landscape photo, he had unwittingly captured a person in the far distance at a very unexpected moment. As mentioned by Gavin, “When I looked at the photos afterwards on my mobile I didn’t spot anything; it was only a few days later when I was looking through the photos on my laptop that I noticed something over there, so I zoomed in.” When one zoom in on the picture, one would definitely see the person in the background. But what is really interesting is the pose of the person. Gavin had managed to click his picture at the exact time that the stranger had jumped into the air. The stranger was possibly doing it for another picture.
Photographer Takes Stunning Landscape Photo And Realizes Background Detail
Later, Gavin wrote on X (formerly Twitter), “Took this photo a few days ago. Just spotted something in the distance and zoomed in. How’s that for coincidental timing?” A user on social media commented that the image was actually pretty impressive. But they doubts whether the entire event had been a total set-up and not a coincidence. The photographer replied that capturing the stranger had been a total spur-of-the-moment thing, and he had not planned this before. In fact, he “couldn’t even see anyone over there” at the time the picture was clicked.

As it turns out, it would have been pretty difficult for him to click the human- as they appeared quite close to the edge of the hill. This also led to some speculations that the person could have been attempting to jump off the cliff. But, the photographer of the landscape photo assured his followers that “the next couple of photos showed people up there.” Also, while the photo was definitely the highlight of the day for him, his outing had been pretty stupendous as well. Gavin mentioned, “That’s on top of Cavehill in Belfast, by the way. It’s quite a yomp up there, but amazing to get a walk like that so close to the city center.”
- “Man takes stunning landscape photo – before noticing unlikely detail in the background.” Daily Mail. Maria Chiorando. August 8, 2023.