In the age of social media, sharing information has become easier than ever before. This means that warnings about potential dangers can spread quickly, ultimately making us all a little safer. One such warning came from Andrea Pergola, a mom whose son had a frightening encounter with a mysterious insect.

When Andrea’s 15-year-old son Logan was collecting tree branches for his volunteer work, he felt a sharp sting. Within minutes, a red grid-like mark appeared on his arm, and soon after, a painful rash developed. The rash spread and Logan experienced dizziness and paleness. Despite his mom’s attempts to treat the sting with garlic, nothing seemed to relieve the symptoms.

It was Logan’s grandfather who discovered the culprit – a caterpillar. He carefully captured it and examined it closely. To their surprise, it turned out to be one of the most poisonous caterpillars in North America. Realizing the seriousness of the situation, Andrea rushed Logan to the emergency room.
Andrea took to Facebook to share her son’s ordeal and warn others about this dangerous caterpillar. She urged people to research and familiarize themselves with it, especially if they live in areas where it is not native. Andrea emphasized the importance of seeking medical attention for stings, as over-the-counter remedies may not be effective in such cases.

Watch the video below to learn more about Logan’s experience and his mom’s warning:
This incident serves as a reminder that we should always be aware of potential dangers lurking in our own backyards. Stay informed, stay safe!