Earlier this year, Chrissy Teigen and her husband John Legend joyfully welcomed their youngest child, adding to their family of three.

Chrissy Teigen Opens Up About Breastfeeding Journey with Daughter Esti Maxine

Sharing a candid glimpse into her motherhood experience, Chrissy Teigen, the model and mother of three, delightedly posted a photo on Instagram that captured a heartfelt breastfeeding moment with her youngest child, Esti Maxine.

In the image, Teigen lovingly cradles her four-month-old daughter, whom she and her husband, John Legend, welcomed into the world in January.

With a radiant smile, Teigen expressed her appreciation for the Haakaa Ladybug Silicone Breast Milk Collector, a valuable tool for moms seeking to preserve every precious drop of leakage and letdown. In her caption, she described it as the ideal breast pad alternative for mothers who want to maximize their milk supply.

Teigen shared her immense gratitude for her breastfeeding experiences with all three of her children. She expressed how fortunate she felt as Luna, Miles, and Esti latched onto breastfeeding effortlessly from the start. Teigen admitted that she personally felt the pressure to produce enough milk rather than any struggles from her children’s side. She also mentioned her fondness for pumping and the satisfaction she derived from maximizing her milk supply.

The celebrity mom revealed that she had supplemented with all three of her children and emphasized the importance of not letting it become a source of stress for mothers. Reflecting on her own journey, she marveled at the fact that despite undergoing two breast lift surgeries, she still produced milk, considering it an incredible feat.

Teigen emphasized that Luna and Miles were thriving and well-nourished, reassuring other moms that a fed baby is the most vital aspect. She acknowledged her previous fears and anxieties about milk production, sharing her past attempts to order donor milk online, but stated that she had a more relaxed approach this time around.

In a recent incident, Teigen courageously defended her family after it was falsely speculated that she had used a surrogate for the birth of her daughter, Esti. Teigen shared an intimate photo taken on January 13, shortly after her cesarean section, and sarcastically commented on the “extremely realistic ‘moon bump’” in reference to the baseless claims.

Teigen also expressed her amusement and appreciation for a particular comment on the post. The comment suggested that Teigen was “born male” and had utilized a prop known as a “moonbump” during her pregnancy, while also asserting their admiration as a fan of Chrissy. Teigen shared her fascination with the comment, highlighting the irony of the situation.

Teigen’s response demonstrated her resilience in addressing unfounded rumors and her commitment to standing up for her family in the face of baseless accusations.

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