A Son’s Dedication Rewarded: Understanding Angelina Jolie’s Decision

Angelina Jolie, the renowned actress and philanthropist, recently made headlines when it was revealed that she plans to disinherit five of her six children.

This unexpected news has left many wondering about the motivations behind such a drastic move. This article will delve deeper into the details and explore the potential implications of Jolie’s inheritance plan.

Why Maddox Inherits the Fortune?

One of the most shocking aspects of Jolie’s decision is her choice to leave her entire fortune, estimated to be worth $116 million, to her son Maddox. The reason behind this choice? Jolie acknowledges Maddox’s unwavering support during her difficult divorce from Brad Pitt. Of her six children, Maddox was the only one who actively aided her through the arduous process.

Raising Concerns: Is it Fair Treatment?

While Jolie’s decision may have been influenced by her gratitude towards her son, it has raised eyebrows and caused concern among those close to the Jolie-Pitt family.

Brad Pitt, Jolie’s former husband, is reportedly upset with the unequal distribution of the inheritance. He believes treating Maddox as the “Golden Child” while excluding the other children from their mother’s wealth is unfair.

A Turbulent History: Understanding the Context

The Jolie-Pitt family has faced numerous challenges in recent years. Their highly publicized and intense divorce included a custody battle over their children. Jolie filed for divorce in September 2016, citing dissatisfaction with Pitt’s parenting approach as one of the reasons. The complicated divorce process culminated in an unpleasant event involving Brad, Angie, and Maddox, further straining the family’s relationships.

Accusations and Investigations: Shedding Light on the Conflict

*(Image source: Getty Images)*

During the incident, Jolie claimed that Pitt had assaulted Maddox, leading to an investigation by the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services. However, no charges were filed against Pitt. This situation has intensified the tension between Jolie and Pitt, with Brad feeling frustrated by Angelina’s reluctance to correct the public record regarding the incident.

Lingering Resentment: A Plea for Fairness

It is evident that Pitt strongly believes all his children should receive equal Treatment, including a fair share of Jolie’s wealth. He finds it inappropriate to grant Maddox complete control over such a substantial fortune. Although Maddox supported his mother during the divorce, Pitt insists that Jolie must consider the needs and futures of her other five children and not disregard them.

A Lengthy Battle Ahead: The Continuing Struggle

If the allegations regarding Jolie’s inheritance plan are true, Brad and Angelina will likely continue to fiercely argue over the well-being of their children for years to come. The aftermath of this decision could have lasting implications for their already complicated relationship.

As this situation unfolds, it prompts questions about inheritance, the dynamics of family, and the long-term effects of high-profile divorces. Regardless of the reasons behind Jolie’s decision, it serves as a reminder that even in the world of fame and fortune, families face unique challenges and difficult choices.

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