The couple was parents to two kids. One day they got a call that changed their lives forever.

The couple, Joseph and Shanna Weight, were stunned after hearing the proposal, and later they decided to include their fostered child’s little sister in their family.

After being together for more than nine years, the couple from Elk Ridge, Utah, decided to foster children.

The couple registered as foster parents in August 2012, and they adopted a boy named Milo two weeks later.

Milo, their adoptive kid, arrived two weeks after signing up in August 2012.

Milo’s biological mother was just 18 years old when she decided to put him up for adoption.

Joseph Weight said to Good Morning America, “Milo’s biological mother grew up in a family with many brothers and sisters with different fathers. She has not known her father. Therefore, she desired her son to have a more satisfying life than she did.”

The Weights couple had a baby boy after two years of adopting Milo. He was named Nash.

Shanna Weight described Milo as “sort of the dream first baby.” “He was everything for us. I don’t know how to turn my feelings about him into words. Later Nash joined our family. The joy and excitement in our house were overflowing.”

About a year after Nash’s birth, the couple received a surprising phone call from A Act of Love Adoptions.

Milo’s sister was on the agency’s wish list, and they asked the Weights whether they were interested in adopting her.
“The agency reached out to us and told us, ‘Milo will soon become an elder brother. Would you like to foster her too? And I thought to myself at the moment, that’s a big task,” Joseph Weight explained.

The Weights discussed this on the same weekend.

Shanna said to Inside Edition,” The Weights discussed this on the same weekend.”I was completely taken aback. . “My initial thinking about it was that, ‘We’re not going to be able to accomplish this because at the moment we’re not financially strong enough to adopt a child.”

After long discussions about it on the weekend, they eventually concluded to adopt Milo’s sister.

The Weights visited Milo’s real mother on the delivery day, and Milo got to spend some time with her biological mother.

“Little Milo was ecstatic to see his mother. He shared some beautiful moments with her that day,” Shanna recalled.

“Milo’s mother was thankful to us and told us that she was relieved when she got to know that we agreed to adopt Milo’s sister. She was delighted knowing that her two kids would grow up together in safe hands.” Shanna added.

Pearl, Milo’s sister, was born on the 25th of February 2019. She had a striking resemblance to Milo. They have dimples in common.

Shanna considers herself fortunate because Milo’s and Onni’s biological mother entrusted her with their care.

More than anything, Shanna considers herself fortunate that Onni and Milo’s biological mother entrusted her with their care.

Shanna Weight told GMA, “I felt really fortunate that she would offer us the opportunity to also parent one of [Milo’s] siblings.” “I admire [their biological mother’s] guts in recognizing that they need more than she could provide. In everything she did, she was incredibly selfless.”

“Every day, I’m grateful that she selected us and thought we’d be excellent parents.”

To learn more about the moving story of the Wright family, go watch the video below, NOW!

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