Opinions are something that we all have and sometimes, we want to share those opinions because we feel very strongly about it. Sometimes it works to our advantage and at other times, not so much.

One of the things that many people have a strong opinion on is the way that we dress. Some may be rather open about their opinion and others may feel as if what is accepted as normal has no place in society.

In Oklahoma, there is a liquor store that posted their opinion with a very simple sign. In the end, they faced a lot of backlash and not everybody was happy with the decision they made.

Midwest Wine and Spirits is the liquor store in Oklahoma that found out just how strong opinions can be after putting a sign up in their shop window. It contained a simple message: “Pull your pants up or don’t come in.”

The sign went on to say: “Try to have some decency and respect for others. No one wants to see your underwear.”

In reality, the sign doesn’t seem all that offensive. It is not attacking a particular group of individuals, whether it is for their race or religious views. That doesn’t mean that people weren’t upset with the sign.

Some people were visibly upset because the sign was telling people what they could and could not wear. That is when it got uploaded to the Internet and many people online began to debate the message behind the sign.

Chad Gilbert, one of the store managers defended the sign saying: “I realize wearing pants low is a fashion statement for some, but it doesn’t work for me and I find it somewhat offensive.”

Another employee said: “Usually, when people come in with their pants sagging, it’s easier for them to steal bottles.”

On the other hand, a local customer said: “I can see that if it was like a church. There are families there, you might have a problem with that, but this is a liquor store. I’ve seen worse at a liquor store.”

And the debate continues.

By admin

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