There is something that all of us have born into us and it really can make a difference in our lives. I’m talking about our love of music, something that we often have from the time we are little babies.

Music is not only special to most of us, it can affect us on a very deep spiritual and emotional level. When was the last time you had a low spirit turned around when you heard your favorite song or perhaps you felt sad when hearing sad songs?

That is why it doesn’t surprise us to learn about just how much a person’s singing can affect people. As it turns out, it not only affects those who are there directly, it could also affect people who have never seen you in person.

Linden Beckford understands the power of music and he often shares it with others. He does so at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston.

Linden has the job of transporting people who are at the hospital from one place to another. Has he does so, he does something unusual that has really got him a lot of attention. He sings to the patients.

This isn’t something that Linden does to get attention, he has been singing to people since he was old enough to remember. Never did he expect people to react to his singing in this way.

According to Linden, he always sang at work and he always sang when he was a child growing up. It was natural for him to put the two together.

Singing was a way that Linden used to comfort himself but he also was able to comfort others with his voice as well.

Once he realized how powerful his voice was, he started putting it into his routine at the hospital. For over 30 years, he has worked for the same hospital and has always been able to ease the anxiety of his patients.

He says that he will select the song according to what he hears and sees in the patients. This could include trying to ease their pain when they are suffering.

He also says that many people thank him for making the trip through the hospital tolerable. Linden appreciates the kind words, but it is really just something he does.

He said: “I remember the first time a patient journeyed with me, I was taking her to the cath lab, and she started doing harmonies for what I was singing, I’m like ‘oh’, it was so amazing, I’m like ‘wow’, and ever since then that happened a few times.”

Obviously, Linden loves his job and he cares about the people he interacts with every day. Regardless of whether they are in pain, anxious, or just need some kindness, he is there to provide it in full measure.

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