There are certain movies that we have been laughing at for a very long time and sometimes, it isn’t the most appropriate thing to laugh at. That is how many people feel about the movie Tropic Thunder, as it seems to strike at a lot of controversial subjects.

The movie was released in 2008 and viewers have been very hard on Ben Stiller and the movie itself for a number of reasons. For example, Robert Downey Junior appeared in a blackface in the movie and it also took a stab at my door to groups and disabled people.

It’s hard to believe that the movie is been around for about 15 years and fans are still talking about the problems they have with it. Others, however, have gone on social media to say how much they love the movie and criticized others who are trying to invoke the cancel culture.

Ben Stiller also spoke about the film. He was not only an actor in the film, he was also the director and he said that he is very proud of the comedy movie.

It all started when someone went on Twitter and asked him to stop apologizing for doing the movie. They spoke about how funny the movie was and it is even funnier now that cancel culture is after it.

After sharing a screenshot of an earlier tweet that also claimed Ben Stiller was forced to apologize for Tropic Thunder, things really got out of hand.

Finally, Ben Stiller actually came on and responded to the fan. He said: “I make no apologies for Tropic Thunder. Don’t know who told you that. It’s always been a controversial movie since when we opened. Proud of it and the work everyone did on it.”


There was also some discussion as to an apology that was given by Shaun White for dressing up as Simple Jack, the disabled character in the movie. He had apologized after somebody said that the movie should be boycotted.

Ben Stiller again responded, saying: “Actually Tropic Thunder was boycotted 10 years ago when it came out, and I apologized then. It was always meant to make fun of actors trying to do anything to win awards. I stand by my apology, the movie, Shaun White, And the great people and work of the @SpecialOlympics.”


It looks like this movie may have escaped cancel culture.

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