In Argentina, a woman discovered a strange snake-like creature. It turned out to be something unexpected. Read more.

In the quiet town of Santa Fe, Argentina, 46-year-old Lujan Eroles had a startling encounter when she found a peculiar creature in her garden. Initially believing it to be a snake, she soon realized it was a unique example of nature’s mimicry.

Conall / Flickr

The 10-centimeter-long creature left Eroles and her neighbors amazed, sparking curiosity and conversation about the unusual find. Eroles described her shock upon discovering the creature, recounting how she screamed when she first saw it. The snake-like appearance and strange eyes drew her attention, leading neighbors to gather and observe the odd spectacle.


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Sharing her astonishment, Eroles told National Geographic“I have never seen anything like it. It looked just like a snake, and its eyes were so strange. I feared it might be poisonous. We all thought it was a mutant animal, so we filmed it and shared it online to get opinions.”

Snake-Like Creature
By Garnhami – Own workCC BY-SA 4.0Link

Fearing the creature might be venomous, Eroles quickly sought to identify it. Posting a video online, she quickly gained attention as viewers speculated about its origins.

Experts eventually identified the creature as a caterpillar of a rare moth species from Central America. Known for its defense mechanism, this caterpillar mimics a snake’s appearance to ward off predators.

Snake-Like Creature
By AnemoneProjectors (talk) – Elephant hawk-moth (Deilephila elpenor) caterpillarCC BY-SA 2.0Link

The caterpillar’s eye markings behind its head create the illusion of a larger, more dangerous animal, showcasing an incredible example of evolutionary adaptation for survival.

Eroles’ encounter highlights the fascinating biodiversity of the natural world and the complex strategies organisms use to thrive.

What did you think of this unique creature? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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