When it comes to dating others, there are many things we should keep in mind. We need to make sure that we are compatible in many different areas, and this also includes our age.

In recent years, the generation gap has been widening to an extreme degree. This is especially true when it comes to communication and technology, two things that are very important in the world of getting to know each other.

Elizabeth Castaldi is somebody who understands this all too well. She shares videos on TikTok regularly, and recently she shared one with her date with a 35-year-old man.

Since Elizabeth is 27, there is a slight age gap between the two of them and this could translate over into the way that we communicate with each other. That is why a text message conversation they had between the two of them went viral.

Elizabeth was probably happy when she received a message from her date the following morning after they had gotten together. The caption she shared on the video admitted that she should start dating people her own age.


After all, her date didn’t really have the full concept of sending a text message down, and this would include making sure that you don’t leave any loose ends untied in the thread.

He simply texted her: “Hey, had fun last night. Have a good day.”

Elizabeth wasn’t really sure what he meant. She was confused because she didn’t know if it meant that he had a good time or if he was giving her a brush-off.

There were even some people who came in and wondered how it could be bad, and that included those who were older and commenting.

Elizabeth wanted to go on a second date but she just didn’t have the rundown on exactly how her former date felt. That is when she replied: “Me too! Hope your day is going well.”

As the conversation continued, Elizabeth became convinced that the man was not interested in her. She even tried to set up another date but the man simply said that he was a little crazy with work and ‘let’s play it by ear.’

Elizabeth finally got the point and just left things in his court to see if he wanted to set up another date or not. She then followed up later with another video showing that she was going on another first date.

Let’s hope things go better this time.

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