Life has a way of changing and it can happen to any of us. It doesn’t matter if we are a celebrity sitting on top of the world or just an average Joe, life can deal us a hand and we have to live with it.

One individual who has faced such difficulties in life is a famous French actor. At one time, he was considered to be one of the most good-looking men in the world but these days, at 88 and after suffering a stroke, he has disappeared from the spotlight.

He suffered the stroke in 2019 a few weeks after he received an honorary Palme d’Or in Cannes, France. At this point, he is living in his home as a recluse after the tragedy.

His children are also fighting at this point, which makes things even more difficult for the actor. They can be hard when family problems step up and cause such difficulty.

At this point, he is living in his home, located southeast of Paris. That home is actually a sprawling estate, La Brûlerie. It is also the place where he will be buried, as he has a cemetery on the property where 30 of his dogs have been laid to rest.

The actor’s children have been very public with their disputes. It all surrounds the father and the money that he will be leaving to them when he dies. As you can imagine, the media is all too happy to follow that information closely.

Even the family lawyer has chastised the children for the bickering, telling them that it has to stop and everyone needs to calm down. I’m sure that the father feels very much the same.

He also confessed that his daughter is the love of his life, perhaps even too much compared to the others. Even she has been the target of the brothers arguing, but she continues to praise her father on Instagram.

A recent post, which was translated into English, says: “Friday morning I took a picture of my dad. For me. A memory of our times. Having breakfast with him makes me feel endlessly grateful. Unique moment of sweetness.”

In case you haven’t figured it out, I’m speaking of Alain Delon. When many people heard about his difficulties, they have stepped up to say how much they have appreciated the work he did in the past and they love the fact that his daughter still spoke so highly of him.

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