Hollywood has the ability to alter our perspectives not just on life in general but also on who we are as individuals, regardless of whether we like it or not. We are constantly given a glamorous lifestyle filled with perfect people. People who do not suffer from acne, wrinkles, or cellulite… And if something like that can have an effect on us, who are not a part of that life, just think of how much of a toll it must have on people who are really living the Hollywood dream.
Literally all of Melissa’s childhood was spent in the Hollywood.

She maintained her career after the program ended, mostly acting in TV movies.
Melissa became obsessed with Hollywood’s superficial ideals after leaving the world of child stars.

She said in her book that the breakup with her second husband, Bruce Boxleitner, caused the so-called “midlife crisis,” and that this was an additional motivation for her to change her physical appearance. The level of stress that comes with being a single woman in your forties in Los Angeles is on a whole other level field. And the fact that you are an actress looking for work in a business that is obsessed with youth makes this even worse. I responded the same way as most of the other women I met: I tried to freeze time.
She eventually began to dislike all of the changes she had made to her appearance.

She saw that tragedy as a warning that her life was spiraling out of control and that she had no ability to stop it. “I eventually snapped out of it and asked myself, ‘What am I doing?’” She said, “People say I look like a carrot top, and I’m not pleased about it. ‘ Your face doesn’t move. You need to work on your breast size. You’re hanging around with the wrong person.’ The list continued on and on.”

“I cut off all my hair and quit doing Botox and all that stuff. I am having a lot of fun getting to know this new person as well as observing all of these changes that are taking place.” She went on to say, “I also feel so much stronger, and I feel like I’ve truly earned the right to express my thoughts.”

Gilbert and her husband bought a house in Highland Park and began a quiet, rural lifestyle there after moving in together. Some of the abilities she picked up as a result of her new way of life include farming, the cultivation of vegetables and the raising of hens for the purpose of egg production.
Melissa admits that she spent her whole life “always trying too hard to match the mold that someone else wanted. I’m now content living my life the way it is. I’m so thankful, and I’m so relieved, and I couldn’t be happier.”

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