We all have a sense of humor but that doesn’t mean that it aligns with the person sitting next to us. Sometimes, we may see something that we can’t get enough of and we don’t care if other people find it to be funny or not.

Even though it is one of the craziest and most unusual items you could possibly purchase, the ‘screaming chicken’ rubber squeeze toy is one of the funnier items we can have on a person. It was actually used as a part of slapstick comedy years ago, and has made its way over to the mainstream.

People started sharing videos of screaming chickens on TikTok and it took off. This is more than your run-of-the-mill rubber chicken, which also tends to be funny, it screams when you squeeze it.

Somebody decided they would take things to the next level and give a screaming chicken to their pet donkey. They show the chicken and what it is capable of doing before taking it over to the enclosure.

When they tossed the screaming chicken into the donkey’s enclosure, you would think that the donkey would immediately run over to grab it. In reality, what happened was they threw the rubber chicken into the enclosure and the donkey wanted some love.

After getting some attention, the donkey runs over to claim its prize. He begins running around the enclosure, lovingly squeezing the screaming chicken and enjoying the sound that it makes.

At one point, the donkey even goes up on two legs, showing just how excited he is to have his prize.

The video may be somewhat short, but it is one that you will watch over and over again. After all, it is funny and we all love laughing.

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