There are sometimes things that we find or see and we don’t know what they are. These may be unusual items from the past but they were lost to history.

Asking our grandparents or perhaps parents what these items are can sometimes reveal it to us. At other times, however, we may have to reach out to the Internet for an answer.

The following 10 items were found by people in different ways and they went on Reddit to find the answers as to what they were. They are confusing items, but interesting to know.

1. Wooden box

This wooden box was unusual because it contained some wooden slats of different colors. As it turns out, there were 22 slats for a total of 11 colors and a matching piece for each color. It’s a Montessori toy that helps children learn colors and improve matching skills.

2. This looks strange

This old equipment was found in Montréal, Canada. It was exactly what it looked like, an artillery round and it was unexploded. They had to get a bomb squad out to dispose of it properly.

3. Metal spoon

You don’t find metal spoons this small often but after some jokes calmed down, the origin was found. It may have been used to clean under your fingernails or to clear out ear wax.

4. Little building

This building was found in Ireland and it seems to serve not purpose. In reality, it stored water for the railway system to refill tanks and tenders.

5. Pillow zippers

You can find these in hotels and they look like security tanks. In reality, they are designed to keep bedbugs from laying eggs and reproducing inside hotel items, such as pillows and cushions.

6. This doesn’t look familiar

Somebody found this in their grandmother’s basement. It looks like a medieval torture device but it’s used for milking cows.

7. This looks painful

This also looks like a torture device but it was used in the kitchen to break eggshells for soft-boiled eggs. It is known as an egg topper.

8. Is it a toy?

This may look like a toy top but it is actually a plumb bob used for measuring a straight vertical line.

9. Bad brickwork

You sometimes see this but it isn’t a poor design, it was used for drain spouts.

10. This has disappeared from history

It may seem strange but when everybody smoked many years ago, it was used to keep a match with you at all times.

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