Dancing is a way that many of us express ourselves. We probably have been dancing since before we can remember, as most children can dance before they can walk.

One of the most beautiful and touching dances is a father and daughter dance. These have been a way for them to express themselves for years, and they happen at weddings or any other event.

Jessica Hanley wanted to have such a moment with her father on her birthday. It was her bat mitzvah, a Jewish celebration that occurs when a girl turns 13. The entire family was gathered together with friends, and she wanted to share a moment with her father, Mike Hanley.

Her father is a comedian and he really turned it on for that particular dance. At first, it almost seemed as if he was very happy being pulled out onto the stage, but it wasn’t long before they were dancing happily together.

This was planned perfectly and the entire audience was taken back to watch this couple dance their hearts out.

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