Life can be difficult for anyone but for a single mother trying to work her way through college, it can be nothing short of brutal. Raising a child is difficult enough but trying to juggle everything between school and work is almost impossible.

Morgan King, a therapeutic recreation major in college found herself in just such a situation. She had a 3-year-old daughter, Korbyn and there was nobody available to help watch the little one that day. She had to skip one of her classes.

Not every professor is happy about people missing classes, so she reached out to her professor to see if he would bend the rules for her. She ended up getting a reply and it was nothing like she had expected.

When she read the professor’s message, she burst into tears. It was so touching to her that she decided to share it on Twitter.


After reaching a worldwide audience, the people of the Internet came together to applaud the professor for the kindhearted act he did. In fact, when she walked into the class the next day by herself, the teacher was actually disappointed.


Kindness like this doesn’t come easy but this professor certainly has a big heart.

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