It is not uncommon to have a little bit of digestive distress when you are traveling. For the most part, we try to keep it to ourselves because we don’t want to make other people suffer because of our pain.

It seems as if that wasn’t the way one man felt on an American Airlines flight and he was so open with his flatulence that the plane had to be diverted.

The flight was on its way to the Austin Bergstrom International Airport From the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport. The people on the plane were inconvenienced because it was delayed up to 30 minutes, and it was because someone on the plane couldn’t control themselves.

According to the message on Reddit, “I was on a direct American flight from Phoenix to Austin and I was seated near the row where this situation occurred.”

They didn’t take any video of the incident but they did want to share the details, as they considered them to be somewhat entertaining.

They went on to say: “Before most people had boarded, I observed that this man was audibly disgruntled about something, maybe hungover, rough day idk, but as soon as he sat down he was grumbling about something under his breath, like ‘f***ing h*ll’ or something

Several minutes pass and majority of people are seated but we still hadn’t left the gate.

I overhear him loudly say ‘You thought that was rude? Well how about this smell’ and farted. Idk what provoked that comment, and while kinda funny to overhear, it was uncalled for especially coming from a grown man on an airplane nonetheless.

“The ppl seated immediately near him were ladies seemingly minding their own business. I didn’t catch anyone’s response to that but the guy seated next to me and I exchanged smiles and shook our heads.”

They are calling him the ‘Fartman’ for good reason. The commentor went on to say that he began shouting: “Yeah, everybody let’s just eat the smelliest food possible all at the same time.”

Other passengers began shouting back, saying that he could fly private if he didn’t like it. Another passenger said that he was being rude, not them.

After the Fartman began shouting back at the critics, the flight attendant stepped in and told him to be quiet. That is when the plane came to a stop as it was taxying and the pilot gave an announcement.

The announcement said: “apologies for the interruption but we are returning to the gate, we will give you more info when we have it.”

The Redditor went on to say: “We get back to the gate and a flight attendant comes back and informs ‘fartman’ that he will not be staying on this flight.

“He simply replies, ‘I don’t understand’ and she tells him they’ll talk about it off the plane. He gets up, grabs his bag and quietly exits the plane.

“We all breathed a sigh of relief when he was removed, I think most ppl were on edge about what he may say or do next.”

According to estimates, the flight was only delayed by a maximum of 30 minutes.

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