When we look at the life of those in the spotlight, we often only see the good and we don’t consider the bad. That is how many people feel about the Osbourne family.

We know there have been problems over the years and Ozzy did live a rocker lifestyle, they always seem to bounce back. That relationship almost came to an end, however, when Ozzy was unfaithful in 2016.

Ozzy was involved with Michelle Pugh, a hairdresser, in a relationship that would last 4 years. It broke Sharon’s heart. We know it had to be difficult for her but recently, she revealed He always had groupies and she was so used to that.

She went on to say: “But when he knows the name of the person, where they live and where they work… it is a whole different thing as you are emotionally invested.”

“I took, I don’t know how many pills,” Sharon said. “I just thought ‘My kids are older, they are fine and can take care of themselves’. So I took an overdose and locked myself in the bedroom.”

She likely would have died due to the overdose but a maid came in to clean the room and saw her. She was given the medical care she needed.

There was a short amount of time when she left Ozzy after the affair. She had learned about it when she was checking his emails.

Sharon admitted that she has avoided looking at pictures or reading about the affair. She says it is like putting salt in the wound. Not long after, she also blamed her husband for having many affairs over the years.

She said: “There were six of them: some Russian teenager, then a masseuse in England, our masseuse out here, and then our cook.

“He had women in different countries. Basically, if you’re a woman giving Ozzy either a back rub or a trolly of food, God help you.

As far as Ozzy is concerned, Sharon is a god for letting him back in her life, even though he was unfaithful. He said: “Sharon and I have never been as close as we are now, it’s great. Sharon has been a god.”

He went on to say: “We all make mistakes. I’m lucky she took me back. Sometimes I sit there and go, ‘What the f*** was I thinking?’ I won’t understand why it happened until the day I die.”

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