We sometimes hear about celebrities who do kind things for strangers. Perhaps the person that we think about most when it comes to this is Keanu Reeves, but he is really only one celebrity that does so.

Jennifer Gardner is also someone who tends to endear herself to her fans. She is one of the most beloved actresses, not only because of her movies but because of her kindness and compassion.

Recently, the 51-year-old was in Santa Monica Beach, California at a car park. She saw a man in a wheelchair who was homeless, and what she did next really took many people by surprise.

Admittedly, most celebrities would have ignored what they saw or simply gotten into their vehicle and pulled away. Jennifer Gardner, however, is a kind individual with a loving soul and she has proven herself to be someone who takes the extra step.

Perhaps we might think about how she has saved the family farm to keep the family history alive. She also tries to normalize postpartum baby bumps and has embraced her wrinkles as she got older.

According to reports about this day, however, she saw the homeless man and he needed some help. The actress rolled down the window of her car to talk to him and she gave him a bag containing essential items. That is when she noticed something about the homeless man that needed fixed.

Gardner saw that he didn’t have shoes on so she got out of her car, crouched down, and started putting socks on his feet. She then took the shoes off of her own feet and gave them to the man but unfortunately, they didn’t fit.

She then went to the paparazzi that were following her and told them that she would buy one of their shoes. One photographer asked what size he needed and after finding out it was 10 1/2, he expressed that he was 11 and would give him the shoes. He wouldn’t even take any money.

Gardner didn’t grow up poor but she was surrounded by individuals who were poor and she understood how difficult it can be. Fortunately, she is now in a position to help others and she isn’t afraid to do so.

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