There is been a lot of discussion recently about artificial intelligence and how it can impact us in different ways. There are some who are even afraid that AI may be taking over the world, but we aren’t even going to approach that subject.

What we can tell you, however, is that artificial intelligence impacts our lives in everything from what we read down to the way we clean our homes. It even is impacting our robotic vacuums, as you are about to see in the case of a missing Roomba.

I have to admit, Roombas are one of the most convenient things you can have in your home because they take care of a large task and they never complain about it. As you are about to see, however, you need to keep a tight rein on them because you never know when they may jump track and take off for parts unknown.

That was the case in the family below that couldn’t find the Roomba for two days. I’ll have to admit that they can sometimes get lost in the most unusual places, but this one took the cake.

They were finally able to solve the case when they looked at video from there home doorbell videocam. It shows footage of their robotic vacuum escaping and running down the sidewalk for dear life.

In a world that has a lot of clutter, we can only imagine how much fun the Roomba had vacuuming up the sidewalk and street gutter. The problem is, it eventually ran out of power and now there’s no telling where it ended up.

So there are a few things we can learn from this interesting lesson in artificial intelligence. First of all, keep a close eye on your robotic vacuum in case it goes missing.

Next, if you can’t find your vacuum at home, try putting out an APB. As it turns out, that’s what they did with this vacuum and it was found. Interestingly, it was also working and aside from needing a little repair, it was ready to pick up the slack at home again.


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