If you’ve been around more than just a few years, however, you have already come to realize that some things are not going to make sense. Sure, they may be perfectly logical for someone but for the majority, they are awkward and out of place.

Below, we have 19 of the most illogical things we could find. These are the strange things that make you realize that 2 + 2 does not always equal 4.

1. Just make your own hole

2. It must have been easier than just swapping what was in the jars


3. Worst kept secret.

4. They should have wrapped it in paper

5. When you don’t have a favorite

6. Liars

7. Dare to be different. You don’t have to use the top drawer.

8. Eaiser to cut the carpet than the door.

9. Why even bother pre-cutting it?

10. At least they got what they asked for.

11. Bad hospital decorations.

12. Maybe they were color-blind

13. No sense poking it with a straw

14. This triggers me.

15. It actually looks nice. Strange but nice.

16. Someone doesn’t understand the concept of screw top.

17. Maybe they should trim the trees

18. A new trend is born.

19. No need to remove the broken clock.

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