Prayers are needed for Steve Irwin’s daughter Bindi. She is on her way to recovery but…!!
Bindi Irwin On The Path To Recovery After Ten Years Of Indescribable Pain And Misery Bindi Irwin, an Australian wildlife activist, recently spoke out about her health…

Did you know that if you eat BANANA EVERY DAY your body can..
Have you ever wondered about those little strings on bananas? You know, the ones that appear when you peel back the yellow skin? Well, they actually serve…

16 Real Mysteries That Put Investigative Thrillers to Shame
Life is full of inexplicable events that defy logic, no matter how hard we try to make sense of them. While some mysteries remain unsolved, lingering as…

10 Thanksgiving Jokes That’ll Have You Stuffed with Laughter
Ah, Thanksgiving — the one day we gather to give thanks, devour excessive amounts of food, and (if you’re lucky) sidestep awkward family conversations. But Thanksgiving is…

Dirty joke: A married man almost had an affair with another woman..(Just for Fun).
The man finished his confession, said his prayers, and then headed over to the poor box. He paused briefly, then turned to leave. The priest, observing this,…

I Refuse to Spend My Inheritance on My Stepchildren
Money sometimes causes conflict in relationships, particularly when one spouse feels entitled to a specified amount.Becky, for example, thought that the wealth her father gave her should…

An Embarrassing Lesson
In my 20s, I once wore a new dress to work. As I nipped out of the office to get my lunch from the nearby shop, I…

My Husband Paid for His Son’s Girlfriend’s Trip Instead of My Daughter’s
Blended families can have challenges when it comes to treating all the kids fairly. This happened in Madison’s family when her husband asked her daughter to skip…

My Husband’s Ex Wanted to Make Me Homeless and Poor, But Karma Got Her
Ex-wives and ex-husbands can sometimes cause problems in new families. While many people think “ex is ex, and it’s all in the past,” sometimes dealing with them…

Teacher Tells Student…
TEACHER: Tommy, can you see the tree outside? TOMMY: Yes. TEACHER: Can you see the grass outside? TOMMY: Yes. TEACHER: Step outside and look up at the…