As a frequent traveler for work, I’ve become quite accustomed to the routine of airports and flights. But little did I know that one particular flight would turn out to be anything but routine. It all started when I boarded a flight from New York to Los Angeles, hoping for a smooth and uneventful trip.

As luck would have it, the passenger next to me had other plans. He exuded an air of self-importance, dressed impeccably and constantly checking his expensive watch. It seemed like he had someplace more important to be. I took my seat, hoping for a quiet journey and some time to go over my notes for a meeting in San Diego.

Before long, hunger set in. It had been a long day of preparations and I hadn’t eaten. The smell of the meal being served made my stomach rumble. Just as the food cart started making its way down the aisle, nature called. I excused myself and made my way to the back of the plane, hoping to be back in time for my much-needed meal.

To my dismay, there was a line for the restroom. The minutes ticked by agonizingly slowly as my impatience grew. When it was finally my turn, I hurried back to my seat, only to find that my meal tray was gone. The man next to me was happily enjoying his second serving, with a smug smile on his face.

I couldn’t believe what I was witnessing. He had eaten my meal! I confronted him, dumbfounded by his audacity. His response? “Relax, it’s just airplane food.” Frustrated and defeated, I settled for a tiny bag of pretzels offered by the flight attendant.

As the flight continued, my annoyance grew. My seatmate finished both meals, leaned back, and fell asleep, completely oblivious to my displeasure. Determined not to let this ruin my day, I focused on my work, nibbling on the pretzels.

Finally, the plane touched down in Los Angeles, and as I prepared to dash to my next gate, an important announcement was made. There had been a last-minute gate change for those connecting to San Diego. I hesitated for a moment—should I wake up the man who had taken my meal? Ultimately, I decided to leave him be and rushed off the plane.

Navigating through a busy terminal, I finally made it to my new gate just in time to board. I breathed a sigh of relief. Little did I know, karma was about to make its move.

When I arrived in San Diego and met up with my colleagues, one of them mentioned seeing a disoriented and frustrated man who had missed his connection due to sleeping through the gate change announcement. It was none other than my selfish seatmate. The satisfaction I felt was immense. Karma had worked its magic.

Despite the frustrations I had faced, knowing that the man had to suffer the consequences of his actions brought a sense of justice. While I made it to my meeting on time, he was left regretting his decision to indulge in both meals and missing his connections.

Sometimes, life has a way of balancing things out. Karma didn’t let his actions slide, and I couldn’t help but smile at how things had turned out.

By admin

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