When we are children, we tend to listen to everything our parents tell us to do. They are our entire world and we would never do anything to disrupt that.

As we get older, however, we start to test the boundaries to see how far we can push things. Often, we will push our parents to the limit and sometimes, we even go beyond. That is seen in the interaction we have for you here.

Dad can sometimes be a pushover but never mess with mom. This is not only true for humans, it’s true for gorillas as is obvious with how this young girl learned a lesson very quickly.

In a gorilla family, the mothers tend to be protective and they take on a lot of authority in the lives of the young. Baby gorillas will be cared for their mothers very closely for the first four years and they will be taught many survival and social skills.

Eventually, the young males will leave the family group to find their own mates but until then, mama is in charge.

This happened when a young gorilla named Lope came up against his mother. He decided to push things a little too far.

Everybody was enjoying a nice chilly afternoon together and the kids were playing around but then decided he didn’t want to share. Lope he asserted himself at that point, standing up tall and puffing out his chest. He even began to beat it as a guerrilla would do.

It didn’t work out very well for him so he decided to take things further and attempt to pull his brother from the platform. The younger one went over to tell his mother, but Lope decided he would beat his chest and his mother and talk back a little.

As you can imagine, Ozala was not very happy with his defiant behavior. She knew that something needed to be done, and she was just the Gorila to do it.

When Ozala charged after her son, his confidence quickly disappeared. He even stumbled and fell from the platform, teaching him a lesson and giving us all a reason to laugh.

Watch it for yourself in this video:

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