It seems as if the royal family has been in the news a lot recently. Between the issues with health and the general issues between family members, there is plenty to discuss.

Unfortunately, the royal family does not often give a lot of open information about what they’re going through on a day-to-day basis. This can be frustrating for those who want to know more out of concern, such as those who are concerned for Princess Anne.

Recently, the Princess had to go into the hospital for an undisclosed accident that occurred. Much of the speculation revolves around the possibility that she was kicked by a horse, but that has not been confirmed.

Her spouse, Vice Admiral Sir Timothy Lawrence has also been concerned about her while she was at the hospital. When he recently visited her at the hospital, he had a big bag with him.

Because he was carrying such a large bag to her while she was still in the hospital, it caused many people to wonder why she would need so much stuff. Of course, the royal family is not talking.

According to a video, you can see him getting out of the vehicle on the driver’s side, walking to the backseat, and grabbing his blazer.


He then went to the back of the vehicle to get a large blue bag before closing the car door and heading off to the hospital. All the while, security was standing by to make sure that he wasn’t harmed in any way.

The last we saw of him was when he walked through the entrance doors of the hospital with a large blue bag with him. Maybe it’s something she needed for her concussion.

When he exited the hospital, he gave a quick wave. People couldn’t help but notice that he was doing something kind, which is not necessarily something that the royals do on a regular basis.

In the end, we don’t know much about what was going on but what we do know is that the Princess is still in the hospital for a concussion and her husband came to visit her. We will have to wait to learn more.

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