Genetics are funny and in some families, they can be very powerful. It seems as if we may resemble our parents, and sometimes we may resemble one more than another.

This is seen in the Jackson family with Michael Jackson’s son, Prince Michael Jackson II. He was born in 2002 and we saw him in Germany at first, but it wasn’t exactly the happiest occasion.

On that occasion, Michael Jackson was dangling his son over the edge of a balcony. He had his head covered with a white blanket at the time. As a result of this bizarre incident, they started calling his son Blanket. He eventually dropped that name along with Prince.

These days, the 21-year-old is known as Bigi Jackson. He doesn’t want anything to do with fame and he can’t sing or dance. He just does his best to stay out of the limelight since his father died in 2009.

People recently spotted Bigi Jackson in public. For a long time, there was a question as to whether he was the biological son of Michael Jackson or not and it seems as if it is finally answered.

Prince Michael II was born to an unknown surrogate in February 2002. He is the little brother of Paris and Prince Michael. Both of their mothers are ex-wife, Debbie Rowe.

Despite the fact that the world was constantly speculating as to whether Blanket actually belonged to Michael or not, it seems as if the rumors are finally being put to rest. After all, when you see him, you can’t help but notice the resemblance between him and Michael Jackson.

Michael Jackson passed away from cardiac arrest when Bigi was only seven years old. His father had taken a fatal combination of drugs that his doctor provided.

Bigi has been a big advocate for a clean environment. He said: “That’s what each of us [siblings] want to do, make things that people enjoy but also benefit their lives. I do think it’s important that we all know about it. I think we have some work to do but our generation knows how important it is.”

Many people who saw him couldn’t help but feel how closely he resembled his father. Many people still love Michael Jackson, and his son makes their heart smile.

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