As we are going through our possessions, we may come across something that is not familiar to us. It may even bring up question sometimes that are difficult to answer.

That is what some people may have thought when they came across this unusual tool. It is a small iron bar with a ball on the end, which led many people to question what it was and what it may have been used for.

As it turns out, this was a relatively common tool with a very unusual story. It is a muddler, which is used to blend ingredients inside of a glass, such as what you would do when you are making a mixed drink.

This particular muddler isn’t something that you would pick up at a five and dime store, however, it was made by Tiffany and Company. This made it more than just a simple tool that would be used and then tossed into a kitchen drawer, it was actually a piece of art.

We might not be able to know everything that we see, and sometimes there may be some questions that come up when we find something unusual around the house. When that happens, you can always take a picture and share it online and someone will be able to answer the question.

This particular muddler was the gift of a grandmother and it was passed down from one generation to another. It may be used to make a cocktail at some point in the future, but for now, it is just a beautiful piece of tradition that a family is very happy to own.

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