Simone Biles is one athlete who is well-known for the skills she shows on the floor. Even before the Olympics, she was well known for her gymnastic routines but now that she has won multiple medals at the Olympics, she has received a label.

After taking the all-around gold at the Paris Olympics, Simone Biles has been labeled as the ‘greatest Olympic athlete of all time.’ It was quite an honor for her to be given this unofficial title but it seems as if she has earned it.

After competing in the Paris Olympics, she was able to add a number of gold medals to her other medals. She even won the top prize at the Women’s Artistic Individual All-Around final.

She is the oldest Olympic champion to win that round since 1952. Despite the fact that she is well-known for being the best athlete, Brazil’s competing athlete did come in a close second and won the silver. Suni Lee, who also is on the USA team took the bronze.

After seeing this level of success, many people went to social media in order to talk about how great of an athlete she was. Considering the fact that there has never been a gymnast in the history of the games that has been this successful, it really was an amazing feat.

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