Animals have some advantages over humans and we might not give it much thought. I’m not talking about the fact that they are lovable and adorable, I’m talking about the fact that they have fur.

Not only does fur make an animal look cute and very specific, it also provides a layer of protection from the cold and allows them to live in harsh environments at times. It’s also interesting that if they lose their fur for any reason, they may not be easily recognized.

Rescuers recently brought in a hairless cat but after examining the animal closely, they found out that it was something quite different. It happened when a nonprofit conservation organization in Nova Scotia, Hope for Wildlife received an animal from someone who discovered it in their backyard.

The animal was shivering and cold and it appeared to be a sphinx cat. Imagine their surprise when they discovered it was a completely hairless raccoon.

You would easily recognize a raccoon if it had its fur, as they have a very distinct look. This northern raccoon, however, suffered from severe alopecia and was completely bald.

The rescue said that it’s not unusual for raccoons to lose some of their hair but this was an extreme case. It only had hair around its ankles, feet, and snout.

The rescue went on Facebook to say that the true diagnosis of what caused the hair loss has not been determined as of yet. More than likely, it was an autoimmune disorder that damages the hair follicles. Some issues that were ruled out include mange, parasites, and a fungal infection.

Since raccoons need their hair to keep them warm and to protect them from various issues, they weren’t sure how she was able to live this long. They did say that she has a feisty personality and she was responsible for her own survival.

More than likely, this hairless raccoon, who has been named Rufus will be a permanent resident at the shelter.


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