It would be difficult to find anyone who did not know who Dolly Parton was. Not only has she sung some of the most iconic country music of all time, but she also has been in some very popular movies and is frequently seen on talk shows.

If there’s one thing we know about Dolly Parton, is the fact that she has a very unique style. She has been true to her own desires in this regard, but that doesn’t mean that everybody is happy about the choices that she makes.

Sometimes, 77-year-old Dolly Parton has to face her critics and she does so with both dignity and style. She knows how to stand up for herself and she isn’t afraid to do it.

Recently, she revealed in an interview that her touring days were over. She said that she may do a show on occasion but she is not going to go on a tour any longer.

One of the reasons why it’s so amazing that she has done well is because she was born in poverty in the appellation Mountains. Regardless of where she came from, she has been a force to be reckoned with and we will miss her presence on stage.

Sometimes, her appearance is what people tend to focus on, despite the fact that she has so much else to offer. There have even been times when she has been told to drop her signature look if she wanted to have a chance at a career.

Somewhat even told her that she needed to stop looking so cheap if she wanted people to take her seriously. They wanted her to simplify the way that she dresses and her hair.

On Twitter, somebody once wrote that Dolly Parton is ‘one ugly lady.’ Another one said: “Dolly Parton is so ugly, but she got nice breasts.”

Rather than shrinking back at the trolls, she stood up and said: “It costs a lot of money to look this cheap.”

She is also happy that her husband loves her for who she is. She said that: “He doesn’t care if I’m fat. He was never turned off. He’s fool enough to think I’m the sexiest, prettiest woman in the world.”

It’s nice to hear that she is still willing to stand up for herself. I hope she continues to do so for many years to come.

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