There is something about animals that just seems to touch our hearts in a very special way. It doesn’t matter if they are our dogs or not, they make a mark in our lives that is unmistakable.

There are also times when we see an animal video online and it makes us understand just what the animal had gone through. Such is the case with a beagle named Dora, and you are going to shed tears when hearing about her story.

Dora had to deal with a lot of fear and anxiety in her life. She had been rescued from a medical testing lab and the majority of her life up until that time was spent in confinement.

Although she was given the name Dora after her rescue, she was once only identified by what was inside of her ear. It was a number that was tattooed, allowing the personnel at the laboratory to keep track of her health during experiments.

After Dora was rescued, she was understandably nervous and unfamiliar with life outside of the laboratory. Even doing something simple, such as exploring a new environment presented a unique challenge and every day was a new obstacle.

She was put into foster families and they were the ones who helped her to make the transition to a better life. They provided all of the love and patience she needed to begin trusting humans.

At first, even a small victory was a major milestone. They would celebrate those milestones with her, helping her to gain the confidence she needed to move forward. They were her constant support.

One of the important moments in Dora’s life was when a foster family took her to a spay appointment. They couldn’t help but fall in love with her beautiful personality and they decided to make her a permanent part of their family.

This was the moment that Dora really started to make a transformation. At first, she was a lab beagle that was afraid of everything but now, she was inspired to be a household pet that was lovable beyond compare.

You can see more about her beautiful transformation in the following video:

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