We tend to earn our reputation as we move through life. Sometimes, we are known as a kind individual, and at other times, we may be known as someone who is rough or perhaps even mean.

This isn’t only true for humans, it is also true for animals as well. A good example of this is Jackson, a stray cat who was rescued from the streets and ended up at an animal shelter.

When Jackson was first rescued from the streets, they couldn’t release him because of his behavior. He was quickly labeled as being aggressive and mean, and those at the shelter had a difficult time handling him. Things didn’t look good for Jackson.

In the video that we have for you below, however, you can see that anything is possible if the right care is given. Jackson was able to make an incredible transformation from a shelter cat with an angry disposition into a family pet that is loved by all.

The person who made the video recently lost her cat that she had for 17 years. She was thinking about adopting a new feline when she visited the shelter and saw Jackson.

At first, Jackson didn’t show much interest in her but when her husband picked him up, Jackson curled up in his lap and the bond was instant. All Jackson needed was a chance to show that he had a lot of love to give.

Despite his original reputation of being aggressive, he did not show any signs of aggression with his new family. In fact, he became a beloved family member that is a welcome member of the home.

You can see more about Jackson in his transformation in the following video:

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