When most people think about Martha Stewart, they think about someone who is well known for her homemaking abilities. For many years, she has been helping people to keep their homes properly, but now she is known for something else.

82-year-old Martha Stewart may have a few decades of life behind her, but that doesn’t mean that she is letting it hold her back. In fact, many people are now questioning her for her age-inappropriate dressing, and they even asked her about it.

When they recently asked her why she doesn’t dress for her age, she simply quipped back: “Dressing for whose age?” It was the perfect response.

She said she refuses to wear the age-related fashion that would typically be worn by an 82-year-old and many people have begun to take notice of her in different ways. She said that she doesn’t think about age, and lets people know that they should take advantage of their senior years because they are more fabulous than ever.

One thing about Martha Stewart is the fact that she has been consistent in her choices. She says that she has dressed the same since she was 17, and her bold fashion statements have become well-known online. Not only is this true on social media, but she is the oldest Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue cover model.

Despite the fact that she does receive criticism, many of her fans are also happy to stand behind her. They celebrate her confidence and her authentic style.

At the same time, Martha sees herself as a teacher, helping others to embrace their age and to live with it in the best way possible. Although at times she is accused of posting ‘thirst traps’ on social media, she still tries to be as authentic as possible.

When you look at Martha Stewart, don’t see her as a homemaker or someone who is just there to pass the time. Think of her as a reminder that expressing yourself is not something that should come with limits. It should be open to all generations and to anyone who wants to take their age and style to the next level.

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