There are so many different types of jokes that it can be difficult to know which is our favorite. We just need to choose the variety that is right for us because we know they will make us laugh.

One of my favorite types of jokes is when a child is involved. The innocence of a child gives the opportunity for many different punchlines that will continue to make you laugh.

Enjoy the following joke and make sure you share it with a friend. It is sure to bring a smile to your face.

One day little Johnny asks his father “Dad, why do grown-ups like to exercise in bed?”

The wife was cooking dinner when she heard little Johnny ask, so she eavesdropped and listened to what her husband had to say.

Father “because it makes grown-ups happy”

Johnny “I want to be happy too”

Father “Then you have to wait until you’re grown up”

Johnny “But who will exercise with me when I grow up?

”Father “hopefully when you get married, it will be your wife”

Johnny “But dad, how come our neighbor, Sally exercises with you”

The wife rushes out of the kitchen, ambulance arrives 10 minutes later.

By admin

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