Month: April 2024

When the bus driver looked in the mirror, he noticed passengers yelling at the little boy who was a frequent passenger on his bus. “What’s wrong with the kids these days?! How can they be so rude?” one man complained loudly. “I wonder how his mother raised him!” a woman added. “What’s wrong with you?!” the woman spoke up again. “Don’t you have basic manners?” “Well,” the older woman finally spoke up. “I’m struck by how he’s listening to everything and acting as if he doesn’t understand anything!” “What a shameless kid!” the woman added. “If I were his mother, I would teach him how to treat the elderly!” Despite the insults, the young boy didn’t utter a word. All of a sudden, the driver stopped the bus. He rose and proceeded to the little boy’s seat. The whole bus fell silent, and all the passengers were looking at the poor boy with a perplexed expression. The story continues in the comments below.

Everyone on the bus yelled at a young boy who refused to give up his seat to an older woman. However, the complaints faded away a few minutes later after…