It was the 50th birthday of Jennifer Garner on the 17th of April. Yet she got a chance to celebrate her birthday earlier when Donny Osmond surprised her; Donny was Jennifer’s celebrity crush as a little girl.

The moment was shared on Instagram by Jennifer; Jennifer was seated in a restaurant. Just then she had been watching a personalized video from the 64-year-old Osmond on her phone.
But something that she didn’t know is that Osmond was behind her ready to surprise her. Garner was already emotional about the video greeting. Even though it was just the beginning of a wonderful day in Jennifer’s life.

At a glance, she saw Osmond approaching her saying, “Jennifer! It’s your birthday!” She was made into tears and suddenly stood up and hugged Osmond. Well, a singer too approached at the same time singing happy birthday with a cake in his hands that read “13 Going on 50! Love Donny!”

In the video uploaded the actress wrote a caption that depicts more about how happy Jennifer was with Osmond’s presence. The caption was: “My first (pre) birthday surprise was a doozy-the one and only, a legend in his own time, object of my childhood adoration and devotion-@donnyosmond showed up to knock my purple socks off,” the “Alias”.

The surprise party was followed by an impromptu duet of Osmond and Jennifer. The playlist included some of his hits like “Make the world go away”.

Sitting next to Osmond the sparkling actress enjoyed every second of her birthday celebration.

Graner wrote that Osmond spent almost an hour and a half of his day sitting with her, singing her favorites, and letting her experience a master class on how to be a class act.
Garner made shout-outs about Marie: Osmond’s former partner and sister, and Osmond’s wife: Debbie.

Garner’s video was shared on Osmond’s Instagram page too. It included a message by Osmond that included an invitation.

In the message, Osmond has written that surprising fans is one of his favorite things in life. He was overjoyed when he got a chance to surprise lovely Jennifer Garner on his 50th birthday. He also thanked her for letting him celebrate with her. He invited Jennifer to Vegas to be his special guest on stage at Harrahs Vegas.

Many others too shared their greetings and well wishes.

Rita Wilson said, “I seriously think it is the best surprise that could ever be! The joy!!!”

Gwyneth’s thoughts were, “This is unreal”.

Garner’s Instagram was full of positive vibes. It contained a lot of suggestions on how one can give back to others.

Evidently, Garner showed that even celebrities aren’t resistant to fangirl moments as well as celebrity crushes.

“Donny & Marie” was a super popular hit in America during the late ’90s. Osmond had a greater female fan base from all over the world during the times. Garner was one of them 🙂

Garner was a child of a working-class family from West Virginia. On Sundays, they went to the church and in her teenage years, she joined ballet classes. With her financial background, she had to get a job when she needed to become an actress.

Well, that was just a great way to celebrate the 50th! Happy Birthday, Jennifer Garner!

Aren’t you curious to watch the surprise video? It’s easy, the video is provided below!
Also, don’t forget to share this with your loved ones.

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